Reviews | Articles | Book Chapters | Books
Maria M. Delgado. (2020). “Culture Matters: Lluía Pasqual, Pedro Almodóvar and Spain’s Cultural Sector Respond to the Seeming Indifference of the Country’s Minister of Culture,” The Theatre Times (28 April) LINK
Maria M. Delagdo. (2019). “‘Petróleo/Petroleum’ – Piel de Lava’s Performed Deconstruction of Masculinity,” The Theatre Times (27 November), LINK
“Staging Forgotten Histories: ‘Kingdoms’ at the Sarmiento Theatre,” The Theatre Times (30 November) LINKMaria M. Delagdo. (2019). “Colonialism, farce and absurdism: Ignacio Bartolone’s ‘Piedra sentada, pata corrida/Sitting Stone, Running Foot’,” The Theatre Times (6 December),
‘Life on the road: Mauricio Kartun’s “La vis cómica/A Humorous Streak’, The Theatre Times (7 December) LINKMaria M. Delagdo. (2019). “Trying to transition with Asperger’s: Diego Casado Rubio’s ‘Millones de segundos’,” The Theatre Times (13 December), “Isabelita Perón in the spotlight: ‘Happyland’ at Buenos Aires’ Teatro San Martín,” The Theatre Times (14 December). LINK
Bryce Lease. (2020). “Der Kirschgarten (The Cherry Orchard)” dir. Yana Ross, Theatre Journal, Vol 72, No. 3.
Maria M. Delgado. (2019). “10 Years On: Miguel del Arco's ‘The Play to Be Done’ In Its Swansong Run,” Theatre Times. LINK
Maria M. Delgado. (2019). “Cinema is My Life: Interview with Pedro Almodóvar,” Sight & Sound, 29.9, 38-40
Maria M. Delgado. (2019). “The return of the repressed: the ghosts of the past haunt Barcelona’s stages,” European Stages, vol. 13. LINK
Maria M. Delgado. (2019). “A politics of memory on the Madrid stage,” European Stages, vol. 13. LINK
Bryce Lease. (2019). “Vienos Ienos Miško Pasakos” (Tales from Vienna Woods) at Lithuanian State Youth Theatre, Theatre Times. LINK
Maria M Delgado. (2019). World premiere of completed Lorca play “The Dream of Life” opens in Madrid. Theatre Times. LINK
Maria M Delgado. (2019). Warring siblings: Bárbara Lennie and Irene Escolar in Pascal Rambert’s sell out Madrid run of “Sisters.” Theatre Times. LINK
Maria M Delgado. (2019). Staging Difficult Pasts: “My Girl, My Little Girl” Madrid’s Espańol Theatre. Theatre Times. LINK
Maria M Delgado. (2019). Misogyny on Trial: Miguel Del Arco’s Verbatim Production Offers a New Trial for ‘La Manada’. Theatre Times. LINK
Maria M Delgado. (2019). “Port Arthur:” Uncomfortable Verbatim Theatre. Theatre Times. LINK
Maria M. Delgado. (2019). Sergi López heads an impressive cast in Andrés Lima’s staging of Juan Mayorga’s The Boy at the Back. Theatre Times. LINK
Maria M Delgado. (2019). José Sacristán brings Miguel Delibes back to the Spanish Stage. Theatre Times. LINK
Maria M. Delgado. (2018). “Corruption, capitalism, class, memory and the staging of difficult pasts: Barcelona theatre and the summer of 2018,” European Stages, vol. 12. LINK
Maria M. Delgado. (2018). “Reframing past and present: Madrid theatre 2018,” European Stages, vol. 12. LINK
Bryce Lease. (2018). “BITEF 52, World Without Us: Fascism, Democracy and Difficult Futures,” European Stages, vol. 12. LINK
Michal Kobialka, “On Interruption: Working Through the Past and the Arts,” Performance Research 26.3 (May 2021).
Michal Kobialka, “Tadeusz Kantor: Widma przeszłości/Tadeusz Kantor: Spectres of the Past,” Tadeusz Kantor.Widma/Spectres (Kraków: Cricoteka, 2020), pp. 15-48.
Bryce Lease, “Staging Difficult Pasts: praca pamięci/Staging Difficult Pasts: The Labour of Remembrance,” Tadeusz Kantor.Widma/Spectres (Kraków: Cricoteka, 2020), pp. 127-145.
Bryce Lease, “Counterpublics Cause so Much Trouble: Oliver Frljić, Protest & Collectivity,” Critical Stages/Scènes critiques, Issue 20 (2019). LINK
Cecilia Sosa and Philippa Page, “Performing Future Affiliations in Argentine Spaces of Memory,” Mezosfera 7 (2019). LINK
Cecilia Sosa and Philippa, “Diary of a documentary in the making: filming the local imaginaries of post-dictatorship Argentina,” Comunicación y Medios 39 (2019), pp. 186-197. LINK
Cecilia Sosa, “Desde los ojos del Otro: Lola Arias y el teatro como transformación. Una entrevista con Lola Arias,” Primer Acto (Madrid, 2019).
Maria M. Delgado, “Civility, Empathy, Democracy and Memory : Exploring the 'we' in compromised times,” Performance Research 23.4 (December 2018). LINK
Michal Kobialka, “On Interruption: Working Through the Past and the Arts,” Performance Research 26.3 (May 2021).
Michal Kobialka, “Tadeusz Kantor: Widma przeszłości/Tadeusz Kantor: Spectres of the Past,” Tadeusz Kantor.Widma/Spectres (Kraków: Cricoteka, 2020), pp. 15-48.
Bryce Lease, “Staging Difficult Pasts: praca pamięci/Staging Difficult Pasts: The Labour of Remembrance,” Tadeusz Kantor.Widma/Spectres (Kraków: Cricoteka, 2020), pp. 127-145.
Bryce Lease, “Counterpublics Cause so Much Trouble: Oliver Frljić, Protest & Collectivity,” Critical Stages/Scènes critiques, Issue 20 (2019). LINK
Cecilia Sosa and Philippa Page, “Performing Future Affiliations in Argentine Spaces of Memory,” Mezosfera 7 (2019). LINK
Cecilia Sosa and Philippa, “Diary of a documentary in the making: filming the local imaginaries of post-dictatorship Argentina,” Comunicación y Medios 39 (2019), pp. 186-197. LINK
Cecilia Sosa, “Desde los ojos del Otro: Lola Arias y el teatro como transformación. Una entrevista con Lola Arias,” Primer Acto (Madrid, 2019).
Maria M. Delgado, “Civility, Empathy, Democracy and Memory : Exploring the 'we' in compromised times,” Performance Research 23.4 (December 2018). LINK
Book Chapters
Alma Prelec, “Theatre and Civil War: Yugoslavia re-imagines Spain,” in The Unsafe Stage: Daring Adaptations, Creative Failures and Experimental Performances in Iberian and Transnational Contexts, eds. Maria del Pilar Chouza-Calo, Esther Fernández and Jonathan Thacker (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press), forthcoming.
Michal Kobialka, “Kantor’s Objects: Materialism of the Encounter,” in Theatremachine: Tadeusz Kantor in Context, eds. Magda Romanska and Kathleen Cioffi (Chicago: Northwestern University Press, 2020), pp. 17-28.
Maria M. Delgado, “Jordi Galceran and Juan Mayorga: Unravelling the present, narrativizing the past,” eds. Maria M Delgado, Bryce Lease & Dan Rebellato, Contemporary European Playwrights (London: Routledge, 2020).
Bryce Lease, “Paweł Demirski and Dorota Masłowska: Painful pasts, transformative presents,” eds. Maria M Delgado, Bryce Lease & Dan Rebellato, Contemporary European Playwrights (London: Routledge, 2020).
Maria M. Delgado, ”Ways of remembering Las Malvinas/The Falklands” in Lola Arias: Reenacting Life, ed. Jean Graham-Jones (Aberystwyth: Performance Research Books, 2019), pp. 294-301.
Cecilia Sosa, “Affective Architectures of the Real: Hotel Maids (2010, Lola Arias),” in Lola Arias: Re-enacting life, ed. Jean Graham-Jones (Aberystwyth: Performance Research Books, 2019). LINK
Tadeusz Kantor's Memory: Other Pasts, Other Futures, eds. Michal Kobialka and Natalia Zarzecka (Kraków: TAPAC: Theatre and Performance Across Cultures, 2018). LINK